Mid May 2020

The snow should be finished at last.  Keeping the lingering possibility of frost in mind, it is time to start getting the soil ready and putting cold tolerant plants in the ground.

We have had a strong response to our online store.  Thank you!  We greatly appreciate your interest and your business.  Our online inventory is updated regularly and includes new items as they are ready.  We currently have an abundance of geraniums and potted lisianthus, as well as an extensive inventory of flower, herb, and vegetable starts, all ready to help get your garden off to a rapid start.  Check our online store, or come have a look.

Our greenhouse will be opening for the season Saturday 16 May.  Our hours are 9-5 daily, closed Monday and Tuesday.  We will be adhering to the VT COVID protocol, and an advance notice of your visit would be very helpful for our compliance.  (You can call 802-748-2001 or email info@snapflowerfarm.com.)

Happy planting, and we hope to see you soon.

Brian and Barbara

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